
Friday, January 28, 2005


whose latest Marsh Hawk Press collection, AFTER TAXES, is reviewed by stellar theorist and critic Shivaji Sengupta in Jacket Magazine.

AND: Tom Beckett also conducts a very illuminating interview of Thomas Fink over at Mr. Beckett's blog. Here's just one of the many parts worth pondering:

"When one doesn’t think s/he’s been appropriating, it still often happens. Wholesale appropriation of those who’ve been disenfranchised is terrible, whether or not there are material consequences. But uses of appropriation to engender a dialogue among sources, also including one’s own interpretive gestures, can reflect “openness” to “otherness,” to imagination as plural possibility."

Cerebral but not didactic or polemical. Just interesting and pleasurable reading, as well as overdue accolades for Thomas Fink's poetry!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Marsh Hawk Press has a Contest Hotline that writers can subscribe to. (See the Contests and Submissions page on our website). Now that we’ve officially announced our 2005 contest (see prior post), and the first submissions have arrived, Marsh Hawk editors have come up with six rules that apply not only to our contest, but also to contests in general. We’ve shared them first with our Contest Hotline subscribers, and we’re reprinting them here:

1. Read contest rules carefully and follow them. We spent a lot of time last year blacking out poets’ names from their manuscript pages where they didn’t belong for the sake of anonymity and fairness.

2. Use 12-point type in a clear, easily readable typeface. No fancy, ornate fonts.

3. Don't try to cram things onto one page.

4. Double-check your manuscript for spelling errors and typos.

5. Make sure the page numbers in your table of contents match those on the manuscript itself.

6. Avoid lengthy explanations prefacing your work. If an explanation is necessary at all, it should comprise a single paragraph.

Contest deadline is April 30, 2005. The mailing address is: Marsh Hawk Press, P.O. Box 206, East Rockaway, NY 11518. Submit at any time before the deadline.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Submission Deadline: April 30, 2005

TO BE JUDGED BY Gerald Stern

The Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize offers a cash award of $1,000.00 plus publication of the winning book. It is judged by a poet of national stature not connected with the press. The winner's name and title of the winning book are announced nationally.

Contest Rules:
• Submit a manuscript of 48-70 pages of original poetry in any style in English. The manuscript must not have been published previously in book form, although individual poems appearing in print or on the web are permitted. Entries may consist of individual poems, or a book-length poem—or any combination of long or short poems.
• Submitted manuscript must contain 2 title pages: Name and contact information should appear on first title page only. Name should not appear anywhere else in the manuscript.
• Manuscript should be typed, single-spaced, paginated, and bound with a spring clip.
• Include a table of contents page and an acknowledgements page for magazine or anthology publications.
• Enclose an SASE for announcement of the winner.
• Manuscript cannot be returned.
• Postmark deadline: April 30, 2005.
• Include a check or money order for $20 entry fee, payable to MARSH HAWK PRESS.

Marsh Hawk Press
P.O. Box 206
East Rockaway, N.Y. 11518-0206

Saturday, January 22, 2005


whose Marsh Hawk Press book SERIOUS PINK received a wonderful review by Reed Wilson in Poetry International (Issue 9, 2005. Here's an excerpt:

"[T]he poems don't try for some verbal analogue to painterly abstraction. Instead, they celebrate opportunities for collaborative inspiration. . . Serious Pink is an important book, especially for those interested in the ongoing relationship and interplay between the visual and verbal arts."

Thursday, January 13, 2005



With Corina Copp, Susan Howe & Eileen Tabios

Thursday, January 20, 7 P.M.
Room 9204(9th floor), The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 5th Avenue at 34th Street.
New York City
A $7-10 donation is suggested.

Corina Copp can usually be found in or outside the St. Mark's Poetry Project, where she is the Program Assistant. She is the author of Sometimes Inspired by Marguerite (Open 24 Hours Press), and plays "The FACCOR Sessions" and "The Night Room." Her work can be found or is forthcoming in Pom2, Fence, Pindeldyboz and can we have our ball back.

Susan Howe is the author of several books of poems and two volumes of criticism. Her most recent poetry collections are The Midnight (2003), Kidnapped (2002), The Europe of Trusts (2002), Pierce-Arrow (1999), Frame Structures: Early Poems 1974-1979 (1996), The Nonconformist's Memorial (1993), The Europe of Trusts: Selected Poems (1990), and Singularities (1990). Her books of criticism are The Birth-Mark: Unsettling the Wilderness in American Literary History (1993), which was named an "International Book of the Year" by the Times Literary Supplement, and My Emily Dickinson (1985).

Eileen Tabios’ recent poetry books are Reproductions of the Empty Flagpole (2002), Menage à Trois with the 21st Century (2004), and I Take Thee, English, For My Beloved (2005). Her awards include the Philippines’ National Book Award for Poetry, the Potrero Nuevo Fund Prize, and the PEN/Oakland Josephine Miles National Literary Award. Read her blog at http://chatelaine-poet.blogspot.com.

Belladonna* is a feminist/innovative reading and publication series that promotes the work of women writers who are adventurous, experimental, politically involved, multi-form, multicultural, multi-gendered, unpredictable, dangerous with language (to the death machinery). In its five year history, Belladonna* has featured such writers as Leslie Scalapino, Alice Notley, Erica Hunt, Fanny Howe, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Cecilia Vicuña, Lisa Jarnot, Camille Roy, Nicole Brossard, Abigail Child, Norma Cole, Lynne Tillman and Carla Harryman among many other experimental and hybrid women writers. Beyond being a platform for women writers, the curators promote work that is experimental in form, connects with other art forms, and is socially/politically active in content. Alongside the readings, Belladonna* supports its artists by publishing commemorative pamphlets of their work on the night of the event. Please contact us (Rachel Levitsky and Erica Kaufman) at belladonnaseries@yahoo.com to receive a catalog and be placed on our list.

*deadly nightshade, a cardiac and respiratory stimulant, having purplish-red flowers and black berries

Monday, January 10, 2005


Sandy McIntosh and Eileen Tabios will be among the participants of the Listen & Be Heard Poetry Marathon. They will be reading sometime around noon to 2 p.m. Here are details:

Listen & Be Heard Poetry Marathon
Saturday, February 12, 2005
12 p.m. to 12 a.m.
listen & be heard poetry cafe
818 Marin St.
Vallejo, Ca


Poet-scholar Jean Vengua provides a positive "heads up" on Eileen Tabios' book I TAKE THEE, ENGLISH, FOR MY BELOVED. Some excerpts:

I just received her big fat volume, I Take Thee English, for my Beloved, which I have to say made me laugh out loud when I first got a glimpse of it a couple of weeks ago. This is not a derisive laugh, but definitely a Rabelasian belly laugh of delight for a book that presents a serious volume of Tabios' collected and new works, while simultaneously parodying the "collected" form with...what can I say? WICKEDNESS. And a peculiarly Filipina(o) kind of wickedness, too, from the 3 pages packed with tiny-typed promotional "What the Critics are Saying" quotes, to the many nearly-but-not-quite blank pages of footnotes to volumes like "Volume V of the Diary of Samuel Pepys, M.A., F.R.S."

[...] I haven't read the whole book yet -- this is going to take some time. I don't mention the [monastic] canon-buster Rabelais without reason here. But immediately I can see that the form this book takes brings into question and sharp relief many of the dark ironies (and also the beauties) of being a poet -- and certainly a Filipina(o) poet -- in the "United" States, subject to, critical of, opting into, romancing, subverting, trying to escape from, the infra-spin-structures of the western publishing industry and its ubiquitous "best-of" canon, not to mention its preferred medium of instruction, love, and dominance: English.

CLICK HERE for the whole post.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


brings in the new year with editor Sam Rasnake announcing "an anthology of the best from Blue Fifth Review." Among the poets is Eileen Tabios whose featured poem "A Triangle of Secrets" is part of her new Marsh Hawk Press book, I TAKE THEE, ENGLISH, FOR MY BELOVED.

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